Gala Dinner: a big thank you!

As Chairman of the League of Friends of Teddington Memorial Hospital, may I thank you for your significant contribution to our Gala Dinner last Saturday at the Lensbury. Funding for hospital projects The event was a fitting climax to our … read more

Jo Farrar, CEO of HRCH & Kingston Hospital, talking to The Friends of TMH

Jo Farrar, the Chief Operating Officer of HRCH (Hounslow and Richmond Community Healthcare NHS Trust), and Kingston Hospital kindly presented to the members and Trustees of the League of Friends of Teddington Memorial Hospital at the AGM on Monday, 16 … read more

Pledge a Plant to the Wellbeing Garden

Please Pledge a Plant to the Teddington Memorial Wellbeing Garden project by giving a donation. We are starting work on 26 September 2023 on the hospital garden revamp with the help of volunteers from NPL and The Lensbury. The aim … read more

Become a member and make what we do possible

Become a member and provide vital support to your local community hospital. Put simply; members make what we do possible. The Friends of Teddington Memorial Hospital has a long track record of support. Much of this support derives from its … read more

Teddington Memorial Hospital’s 20th-century history

Teddington Memorial Hospital’s 20th-century history shows how the hospital developed from a 24-bed cottage hospital in 1914 to the modern Teddington Memorial Hospital and Community NHS Trust of 1999. Teddington Memorial Hospital’s 20th-century history: The early years 1914 The number … read more