Volunteer of the Month: Noreen

This month, we thank volunteer Noreen for giving up her time to help run our hospital shop.

How long have you been involved with the LoF?

 I joined in 2017, a few years before the Covid lockdown period.

What interested you in joining/volunteering for the charity/in the shop? 

I was first made aware of volunteering for the League of Friends through talking with friends who were volunteers.

It piqued my interest as a way of providing back to the community that has assisted me and my family throughout the years and thus motivated me to join.

It’s been lovely ever since as I’ve met friendly people too!

What has been the most memorable experience since volunteering?

The other day, a patient waiting inside the hospital stood near the corner of our League of Friends shop who seemed disorientated.

I went over there to check if they were alright, and the patient suddenly turned to me and spoke about the difficulties she’d been facing for a while.

At the end of it, they’d told me they didn’t mean to offload so much burdening information but were highly thankful to have great listeners in our community who helped relieve some of the burden.

It was a great feeling to have and be told as it reminds me that despite our differences throughout our day-to-day lives, the people of the Teddington community are well-connected and supportive of one another. 

What connections, as an individual, do you have with the Teddington Memorial Hospital?

I have a lot of linked family history with the Teddington Memorial Hospital.

They’ve timelessly helped my family and me with any medical issue we’ve ever had.

The facilities they’ve established, such as the wellness garden, hold great importance within me, having helped me cope with difficult grief periods of passing family members.

I still remember the first time I stepped foot in this hospital ages ago when I had broken my arm, and even to this day, the staff have been very caring and understanding.

I’m happy to have such a great hospital here; it is a valuable asset to the community.

What is the environment like working with The Friends? (staff, meeting new people, etc.?) 

It’s delightful; a happy and friendly atmosphere lingers around the place.

Having regular working hours has allowed me to meet and gain connections with my caring co-workers in the organisation, in which the friendly environment enables us to share experiences to help one another easily. 

What are 3 words you would describe the LoF as? 

Supportive. Innovative. Mindful.

Fun questions about you

Do you have any unique talents or party tricks that people might not expect about you? 

I don’t think so (hahaha); I think people who know me know me inside out!

What is your favourite breakfast meal? 

I have a boring breakfast, but I love it! Simple, fresh fruit and yoghurt.

What is your favourite book and why?

Oooh, there have been a lot of great books that I have read.

Most recently, the book “Where The Crawdad Sings” was fantastic. I found the topic around it seemed very relatable and representative of teenagers of our modern age; I would love to re-read it again as you gain a different perspective on it each time.

Become a volunteer

A big thank you to volunteer Noreen. If you want to join our wonderful team of shop volunteers, please email shop@friends-tmh.co.uk.