Seven great reasons to volunteer for the Friends of Teddington Memorial

Become a volunteer for The Friends of TMH and meet friendly new people, contribute to a worthwhile local cause, or learn new skills.

Why volunteer for The Friends?

  1. Make a difference in your local community. Volunteering for The Friends means you can positively impact people’s lives in your local community.
  2. Meet friendly people. Becoming a volunteer for The Friends means meeting people of all ages from various backgrounds and quickly and easily making new friends through shared experiences.
  3. Be part of the Teddington and surrounding community. Volunteering with The Friends can help you feel connected and part of our vibrant community beyond your colleagues, friends, and family.
  4. Regain your mo-jo. You may have become isolated from friends, family, and colleagues. Volunteering with The Friends can help you regain your mo-jo after a setback.
  5. Feel healthier and fulfilled. The rewarding feelings and activities of volunteering with The Friends can help lessen stress or anxiety and help you feel physically healthier and more fulfilled.
  6. Gain new expertise and rediscover talents. Volunteering with The Friends allows you to learn new skills and experience new things. Challenge yourself to try something different and rediscover hidden talents.
  7. Have fun! As a volunteer for The Friends, you can have a really delightful, fun time.

Volunteer activities

The Friends relies on our volunteers to support the hospital, its patients, and its staff.



One way is collecting donations from generous shoppers at various locations around the borough. Our volunteers have collected at local Sainsbury’s, Tesco, Waitrose, and Squires.

Signature events

Our volunteers are crucial in supporting our signature events. Watch this space for 2023 events.

Fairs, fetes, and Christmas

The Friends has a stall at local summer fetes and Christmas fairs staffed by our volunteers. The aim is to collect donations, sell gifts and merchandise, and provide information about the Friends’ activities and events.

Raising awareness and supporting groups

The Friends volunteers are often invited as guest speakers by organisations keen to know more about The Friends’ work and the hospital’s projects and improvements. 

The Friends Hospital Shop

The Friends shop is situated within the hospital. It provides a top-rated service to patients, visitors, staff, and the local community.

We are always looking for new volunteers in our shop, and if you can spare some time each week regularly, we would love to hear from you.

Supplying skills and ad hoc projects

The Friends often asks for volunteers with a particular skill set for a role or to help with a one-off project. Please regularly check the website in case there is an opening in which you’re interested.

How can you help?

Volunteering is a great way to meet new people, acquire new skills, and provide a vital service for staff, patients, and visitors.

The Friends is always looking for volunteers to join, and we provide full training and support to all.

Volunteering for The Friends of TMH.