The League’s AGM

Our Annual General Meeting took place on 4th June at the Baptist Church in Teddington, where the League of Friends Chairman, Pamela Bryant MBE, welcomed members present and updated them on our activities for the first 5 months of 2018.

The Treasurer presented the final set of annual accounts for the year ending 31st December 2017 and proposed the re-appointment of our Auditors, with all members present in agreement. Re-election of Trustees also took place, with the additional election of our new Trustee Mike Jeffries, who recently joined the team. Mike has a wealth of experience in marketing and PR and currently works in social care and his knowledge and experience will be a huge benefit to the League.

Also presenting to League members was Dr Graham Lewis, Hampton GP and Chairman of the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG). Dr Lewis updated members on primary care and health services at Teddington Memorial and throughout the Borough of Richmond.

Our Chairman would like to thank Dr Lewis for presenting at our meeting and to our members for attending and showing their continued support.