Teddington Village Fair 2016.

Teddington Village Fair 2016 2Teddington Village Fair on 26th June at Udney Hall Gardens was a glorious sunny day. The League’s stall received a lot of interest and raised £68.00 from generous donations received.

The fair was well attended by the local community and had a great atmosphere. There was music, singing and dancing from local groups, a huge variety of food available and a good selection of stalls.

Thank you to The Teddington Society for allowing the League to attend. This event not only enabled us to raise funds, but also to inform more of the local community about our work and the services available at Teddington Memorial Hospital.

Thank you also, to our volunteers for sparing their time to help man our stall, you are truly valued. We really look forward to attending next year.

Teddington Village Fair 2016