Age UK Richmond invites you to take part in their Writing Challenge

Everyone has a story… or two; share one of yours with Age UK Richmond’s Writing Challenge.

We thought The League of Friends supporters may be interested in this Writing Challenge.

Inspired by your own life, write about “A memorable moment, event or day”

Age UK Richmond was so impressed with your written recollections when they ran this challenge in 2021 that they chose 44 of them to include in a book, Everyone Has a Story.

Your essay could appear in the sequel… Everyone has a story or two!

Writing challenge


The panel of judges will choose three favourites. They will look for a well-told story.

One prize will be awarded randomly so that any entry we receive qualifies for a chance to win this prize.

All entries received will be considered for publication on the Age UK Richmond site or in the book so that we can all enjoy reading your stories, not just the judges.

Prizes include Afternoon teas, Book tokens, and free entrance to local attractions.

Your submission

Please restrict your entry to 800 words maximum.

Entrants must submit their writing by midnight on Friday, 30th of August 2024.

Either post to Marie Therese Keegan, Twickenham Wellbeing Centre, Arragon Road, TW1 3NH or email (in pdf or word format)

The winners will be announced in September 2024.


Entrants must be over 60 years of age and residents of Richmond Upon Thames. Please include your contact details—name, contact number, address, and date of birth—with your entry.

If you have any queries about the Writing Challenge, contact Age UK Richmond or The Friends.