Another great day at Twickenham Green Fair this year, the rain and thunder storms thankfully held off and lots of the local community turned out for a beautiful day packed with fun. The League received a lot of interest in the current projects which we are funding at Teddington Memorial Hospital and we gained some new supporters and volunteers. We would like to thank everyone for their generous donations on the day and for the continued support which we receive from the community.
We raised a total of £54.04 from the day and we will be using this money towards enhancing the equipment and services available at the hospital. Every donation is gratefully received and will help to ensure that the hospital remains at the heart of the Borough of Richmond.
A huge thank you also, to our valued volunteers, for sparing the time to help man our information stall and for having such a positive interest in the health of the local community. Without the support of our large team of volunteers, the League would not have been able to provide the many enhancements to the hospital that it has to date.
We look forward to attending again next year and meeting more of our supporters.