The League Funds Another Wonderful New Project – The Refurbishment of the New Reception Area

Our latest project at Teddington Memorial Hospital is the funding of the Refurbishment of the New Reception Area at a cost of £168,000.

This project included, a complete redesign and refurbishment of the whole area, with designated queuing walkway and reception desk relocation, the design and build of a bespoke reception desk, including a lower counter for wheel chair users, a new acoustic ceiling installation which have been designed to improve patient confidentiality. The redesigning of the nurses station/reception desk area, to improve the co-ordinated working between the two teams, and the design and build of a new improved designated children’s play area with interactive play units.

All these improvements were made possible by the generous donations which we receive from our local community and will make a huge difference to patient experience and confidentiality both at the reception desk and in the seating area. Enabling a patient’s visit to be quicker and more comfortable.

Thank you to our community for your continued support, we truly value it.

If you would like further details about our work or would like to make a donation please visit: or email: